China leads in patents for decarbonization technology and carbon capture

China is becoming more competitive in cutting-edge technologies to combat global warming. According to a survey by the Nikkei Shimbun,… Read More »

Taiwan’s 19 IT companies saw a 17% increase in revenue in May

The total sales of 19 major Taiwanese companies that supply semiconductors and digital products to global IT giants increased by… Read More »

Indonesia’s economy in 2023 is one of the best in the world

Bank Indonesia (BI) said the economic performance in 2023 was one of the best in the world. The strong performance… Read More »

Singapore and China, visa free 30 days for each other

Representatives of the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Singapore signed the… Read More »

GAC:Optimize and adjust temporary export control measures for graphite items

According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs on… Read More »

Japan asks Google to change Diaoyu Islands map names to Japanese

Japan’s Foreign Ministry has asked Google to change the name of the Diaoyu Islands to Japanese, which Japan regards as… Read More »

Vietnam economic performance will be poor in 2023

Vietnam’s economy lacks strong momentum. On September 29, Vietnam announced that its real gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate from… Read More »

Apple and Google face huge fines from South Korea

On October 6, South Korea’s telecom regulator said that Apple and Alphabet’s Google had abused their dominant position in the… Read More »

The USA adds 42 Chinese companies to the embargo list

The U.S. Department of Commerce announced on October 6 that it would add 42 Chinese companies and groups to the… Read More »

Bullpenis smuggling into China

In August this year, the Maoming Coast Guard Police Station in Guangdong, China, uncovered a case of suspected smuggling of… Read More »