Indonesia’s economy in 2023 is one of the best in the world
Bank Indonesia (BI) said the economic performance in 2023 was one of the best in the world.
The strong performance of the Indonesian economy also includes controlled inflation, rupiah credit, bank credit to 2023, growing 10.38% annually, and continued digital acceleration.
In 2023, the Indonesian consumer price Index reached 2.61%.
Optimism about the economic outlook for 2024 will improve, with economic growth of just over 5% this year.
Bank Indonesia has also ensured that the rupiah will remain stable and is leaning towards strengthening monetary stability policies.
In addition, Bank Indonesia will strengthen macro prudential policies that support or promote growth and ensure that bank liquidity is sufficient to improve credit lines.
We will make sure that bank liquidity far exceeds bank liquidity.
In cooperation with the Financial System Stability Board (KSSK), the government will ensure loan growth of 10-12% by 2024.